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Travel & Culture

Only those who get to know the people and the culture of a country better understand their actions and the local conditions better. Therefore, our goal is to explore Armenia and learn the language. And to make the whole thing even more exciting, we have created a small bucket list for the next 10 months: 

  • Learning the language and having simple conversations

  • Visit at least 3 museums and cultural events

  • Let the locals show us the country

  • Visit the 3 largest cities of Armenia

  • Climb the country's highest mountain, Mount Aragaz

  • Swimming in Lake Sevan (maximum temperature 18 degrees)

  • Try local food

  • Learn how to prepare at least 5 Armenian dishes

  • Visit religious sites and have religion explained

  • Observe locals in everyday life

  • Discover 5 differences to Austria

  • Find similarities with Austria

  • Travel by public transport as often as possible

We are happy to take you with us on the journey through our bucket list! ;-)

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