About Us
“To travel is to develop.”
Pierre Bernardo
The curiosity to discover the unknown and to leave our own comfort zone connects us. That's why we decided to try something new. The idea of supporting a volunteer project came up many years ago. However, it only became concrete a few months ago. But how can that be managed with a job and a house? Very easily! We have left our regular working life behind us and plunged into adventure. Volunteers were also quickly found for the house and garden. Thanks a lot for this! :-)
But why Armenia? Our goal was to contribute our previous professional experience to a voluntary project as volunteers. No matter where this goal would take us. A suitable project was quickly found for us through the organizations "International Volunteer Service" and "Caritas Vorarlberg". And now we are supporting a day care center for children with disabilities in the Emili Aregak project in Gyumri, Armenia for 10 months. We are already excited to see what awaits us and what experiences we will gain, how it feels to jump over our own shadow and whether we will manage to learn the Armenian language. We would be happy to take you with us on our journey into new adventures!